Monday, April 4, 2011

Top 10 Facebook Don'ts

10. “Likers” – you can’t possibly like EVERYthing.

9. Checking in – must you check in (update) everywhere you go? a) that’s just unsafe b) we don’t care…. Which leads me to…

8. Excessive statues updates – in the words of a wise man “nobody’s life changes every 5 minutes.”

7. Stealing quotes. If you find a quote you But don’t try to pass it off as your own. We know you. You aren’t that deep. Even if you don’t know who said it… just put it in “ ”.

6. Relationship updates. – If you and your significant other break up and get back together on a regular basis….save us the status update.

5. Thirst. – Seriously people!!! This is not Black Planet or Myspace….stop spamming people’s inboxes with your phone number and some generic come on.

4. Stalking. – I’ve just removed several people from my “friends” list because I KNOW the only reason they friend requested me was to be nosey and see what they could find out about my personal life. Corny. 

3. Made up middle names – "John ImcoolbecauseImadeupanickname Doe".

2. Cryptic status updates (i.e. crying for attention) – Posting something that seems dramatic and personal in a manner that is vague, leading, or easily misunderstood. It’s Facebook. Everybody can see it. Somebody will ask you about it (as evidenced by the 47 comments under the status update).You knew that when you posted it… you just want people to reach out to you to find out what’s going on…. so you can complain that people are always in your business. Your response: “I don’t want to talk about it.” or “It’s private.”…..Yes. So private it needed to be posted on Facebook.

1. “Couple” profile pictures – If you just got engaged or married…that’s one thing… and completely appropriate. Otherwise, this just screams “LOOK! I told you somebody loves me!”

These are my personal pet peeves...don't feel bad if you're guilty of some (or most) of them.

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